My Thoughts on Apprenticeship Patterns Intros

This week, I read chapter 1 and the introductions of chapters 2-6 of “Apprenticeship Patterns” by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. I appreciate the values that the book covers. They basically say that we should work to better ourselves and failure doesn’t mean that we ourselves are failures, but that we should take different approachesContinue reading “My Thoughts on Apprenticeship Patterns Intros”

A Peek Into LibreFoodPantry & Theas Pantry

Before working on anything for LibreFoodPantry, I needed to read up on the project. LibreFoodPantry values FOSSisms: I thought this was an interesting read, especially because I am new to open source culture. It discusses some values and beliefs, one of them being that if something didn’t happen publicly, then it didn’t happen. ThisContinue reading “A Peek Into LibreFoodPantry & Theas Pantry”


In this final week of blogging for CS-343, I wanted to look over the General Responsibility Assignment Software Principles, or GRASP. I took to learning about GRASP from Code Specialist at, which discussed all nine GRASP principles and provided diagrams and code examples. I’ve learned that the nine principles are: controller, creator, indirection, informationContinue reading “GRASP”


In addition to learning about design patterns that should be referenced when programming, I wanted to learn about bad software design, which led me to anti-patterns. A wonderful source covering anti-patterns that I learned from can be found at: Anti-patterns are bad software designs that show how not to solve problems in programming. TheContinue reading “Anti-Patterns”


For the past few weeks, I have been working on class activities relating to REST API Design. I wanted to research more about it before continuing to homework assignments utilizing it. This led me to the website: REST API is an application programming interface that uses the constraints of REST, or Representational State Transfer.Continue reading “REST API Design”

SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming

Thinking about design patterns, I decided to research the SOLID principles that reinforce the need for design patterns. A wonderful source explaining the SOLID principles is from The SOLID acronym was formed from: Single Responsibility Principle Open-Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion Principle The Single Responsibility Principle states that aContinue reading “SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming”

Code Smells

This week, I wanted to read up on code smells. Code smells are conditions of code that indicate problems with code quality. A great resource I stumbled upon is “Everything you need to know about Code Smells” from Codegrip at Code smells may slow down processing and can make it easier for bugs toContinue reading “Code Smells”

Technical Debt

This weekend, I decided to research technical debt. I wanted to look further into this topic because one of my classes had activity introducing the term. I came across a wonderful blog discussing the different types of technical debt and how to manage them. The blog: The blog lists four types of technical debt:Continue reading “Technical Debt”

UML Class Diagram Arrows

Seeing how one of my CS classes just recently introduced me to UML class diagrams, I wanted to conduct some research on the formation and comprehension of the diagrams. I looked for blog posts that showed examples of the diagrams and how they would be written, since I like reading written explanations and visual representations.Continue reading “UML Class Diagram Arrows”

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